Here, we're going to talk about the difference between fixed wireless internet and satellite service. So what's the difference between fixed wireless internet and satellite services?
There are some very key differences between fixed wireless internet and satellite internet. One of the most significant of those is the distance at which the signal has to travel. So with fixed wireless internet is generally 10 miles or less. Whereas with satellite internet, most satellite internet, the data travels over 22,000 miles. That's a pretty long distance. Even with Starlink and some of the low orbit satellites, it's still going hundreds of miles. So that brings me to the second point, which is that latency is introduced with as long distances. So there's a delay when someone clicks on something when someone is on a voice call or a video call and says something has a delay till that data can get out to the internet with satellite internet. So things like gaming, voice calls, and video calls could be severely adversely affected with satellite internet.Also, the weather can impact those things. We tend to hear from people that are using satellite internet, that weather, when they have a storm or it's cloudy or just damp, impacts their internet service. Also with satellite internet, there tends to be a higher cost. There are lower speeds, and often there are data caps, which means after you use a certain amount of data in a month, you're throttled to a really slow speed or you're paying average charters. So it seems to me that with fixed wireless internet, you can get a signal from point A to point B much more efficiently since it's gonna over a short distance. There's also less latency. And as a result, we can offer our customers a lower cost without data caps.
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